President's Message - March. 2025
Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche
Brothers of Mu Lambda,
As we welcome March and gain much needed glimpses of Spring, we celebrate the growth of trailblazing women who continue to break barriers and breathe the warmth of life into our society. Their resilience inspires us to advocate for equity and empowerment.
In February, our House of Ruth “Sip & Paint” was a tremendous success, thanks to your participation and support as a chapter. Your efforts created a meaningful experience for the program’s staff and participants.
We have several upcoming opportunities to engage and strengthen our Brotherhood and support the communities we serve. Our Health & Wellness initiatives, including “Alpha Move” and a virtual series, will prioritize our well-being. The Financial Planning Series, led by Brother Matthew Aaron, will provide valuable insights into financial growth and wealth-building. Additionally, our 93rd Eastern Regional Spring Social - Gold Standard and Brotherhood activities will offer great opportunities to connect and continue our work together.
Let’s remain engaged, impactful, and steadfast in our commitment to service and leadership. Thank you for your dedication—let’s make March and April a season of growth and Brotherhood!
Brother Mikael E. LaRoche,
(10-Mu Lambda-13)
2024 - 2025
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter

About Mu Lambda
Mu Lambda is Alpha's eleventh alumni chapter, chartered October 1, 1923, in Washington D.C. The chapter was established, in part, in response to the desire of graduate brothers, many of whom were initiated into Beta Chapter at Howard University, to give aid to the undergraduate brothers and continue the work of Alpha. Chartered by 22 distingushed men of Alpha which included Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray and Jewel Robert Harold Ogle.

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